Sharing your photos

Here are the guidelines for sharing your pictures with us and allowing us to use them on our services (e.g., on our website).

Image Tagging

Before sending us the photos, you need to add a few mandatory metadata in them. To help you here’s a document with our standard values. For the next steps, it will be easier for you to copy-paste the informations found there.

Note : XMP is used over IPTC

Species name

IPTC XMP Content
IPTC:Keywords XMP:Hierarchical Subject Hierarchical subject

The hierarchical subjects is defined in a taxonomically meaningfull way. “Namespace|Kindom|Phylum|Family|Genus species|taxon identifier|Taxon id by InfoFlora”

Here are some exemples :

  • Identity : TaxonIdentity|Plantae|Tracheophyta|Pinaceae|Abies alba Mill.|
  • Anatomy : TaxonAnatomy|Plantae|Tracheophyta|Pinaceae|Abies alba Mill.|
  • Ecology : TaxonEcology|Plantae|Tracheophyta|Pinaceae|Abies alba Mill.|

The same hierarchy is used for habitats

  • Typoch : Typoch|1|1.1|1.1.1 – Charion
  • Phytosuisse : Phytosuisse|I|I.1|I.1.1|I.1.1.2|I. - Nitelletum opacae


The objective is to define under which conditions the picture may be reproduced.

The web statement defines under which license you publish your image. International standards are Creative Commons licenses.

IPTC XMP Content
IPTC:Byline XMP:dc:creator Name Surname
IPTC:Copyright XMP:dc:rights © Copyright YEAR Name Surname [you may add your email or further informations]
XMP:Marked Copyright status, True=Protected by copyright, False=Public domain
XMP:Web Statement copyright info URL, e.g.,

We highly encourage you to send us creative commons images for optimal usage.


IPTC XMP Content
IPTC:Caption-Abstract XMP:Description Any additional information, e.g., Uster (ZH)

Sharing using CSV

If it’s easier for you to send us the images with a descriptive CSV of those metadata. Heres the format :

SourceFile Keywords HierarchicalSubject By-Line Creator CopyrightNotice Rights Marked WebStatement Caption-Abstract Description

Each column represents a metadata explained in the precedent chapter and the SourceFile is the path to the file from the root folder given.

You can add multiple HierarchicalSubjects to a given SourceFile. To do so, seperate them with “, ”. Each line should have a unique SourceFile.

Contact us

You can contact us on Feel free to ask for any further information.